Around 3,400 people raised issues and opinions about health services in Devon, Plymouth and Torbay with Healthwatch last year and a further 620 sought advice and information about subjects such as dental services and GP practices.

The statistics are published in the latest Healthwatch report covering the three local authority areas.

Pat Harris, Strategic Lead for Healthwatch Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, said:

“These latest figures are a great result for our staff and volunteers across the area and show the value people place on Healthwatch to represent their experiences to local and national health and social care sectors.

“In addition to helping individuals with their interactions with health and care services, we also play a proactive role looking at issues in detail and presenting findings and recommendations to decision-makers.”

In the last year, Healthwatch’s 26 volunteers and 15 staff produced 10 reports including a major survey of local hospital emergency departments, patient experiences of pharmacy services and experiences of adult social care in Torbay and South Devon.

Other activities included:

Supporting Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust to get feedback from men who access healthcare services in their area.

Gathering feedback on accessibility issues at the new Royal Eye Infirmary building in Plymouth

The annual report also sets out future Healthwatch priorities for Devon, Plymouth and Torbay, which includes projects to:

Use technology to help people access services at home

Help people access social care services and care homesImprove and join-up services for children and young people

Make sure all patients can access health services equallyHelp people access mental health services for conditions like depression.Helping people access GP, hospital and mental health services.Investigate how cost of living affects people’s health and wellbeing.

How they helped Joan:

Joan, 77, a single lady with no family in the area called the Healthwatch Champions because she had been denied a referral for hip surgery despite her painful and deteriorating condition. Her HW Champion helped Joan make a complaint to the hospital concerned.

The HW Champion contacted the hospital several times and a date for Joan’s operation was finally given for the beginning of September.

(Name changed to protect identity)