DEVON and Cornwall Police Rural Affairs Team has identified that several Quad Bike thefts have taken place across both counties since the start of the year and are encouraging farmers and farm workers to be vigilant.

General Advice is:

• Remove keys from vehicles when not in use and keep them safe.

• If possible, keep vehicle/machinery in a lockable garage/shed or building.

• Layer farm security from the perimeter right up to the equipment you are protecting – Lock gates, lighting where suitable, cameras, drive detectors, alarms, CCTV, property marking, including DNA markers such as that provided by “Selectamark”, Smart Water, etc, as well as signage.

• Property marking now includes Forensic Marking – For Secured by Design approved property and asset marking/registration products, go to the accredited product search on the Secured by Design website: Secured by Design - Secured by Design .

• Fit trackers and immobilisers.

• Record vehicle and machinery VIN, engine, chassis numbers.

• Photograph equipment and vehicles.

• Register equipment with the free national property register: The National Property Register, for Phones, Gadgets, Bicycles & More... and The Equipment Register, TER – The Equipment Register .

• Join Farm Watch and other local social media/community groups to stay connected with what’s going on.

• Encourage rural/farming communities to sign up to Devon and Cornwall Alert via: Home Page - Devon and Cornwall Alert .

PC Clarke Orchard from the Police Rural Affairs Team said: "The theft of agricultural machinery and plant equipment is a considerable problem and is sometimes the result of organised crime.

"Farmers and members of the public should be vigilant in the countryside reporting any suspicious activity to the Police, noting vehicle details and descriptions. Notify the police using 999 if you suspect an offence is being committed."

If you have any information regarding rural crime report online at: Home | Devon & Cornwall Police, call 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.