THE Bishop of Crediton, the Rt Rev Jackie Searle, has announced she plans to retire at the end of January 2025.

Bishop Jackie has served as Bishop of Crediton for six years, after being consecrated a bishop in 2018. 

For the last year she has been, in addition, the Acting Bishop of Exeter, overseeing the Diocese of Exeter since the retirement of Bishop Robert last September.

Bishop Jackie said: “It has been the privilege of my life to be the Bishop of Crediton for the last six years, and to have been appointed Acting Bishop of Exeter for the last year. From the time of my interview onwards I fell in love with the Diocese of Exeter, Devon, and its wonderful people. 

“We are blessed with fantastic church communities and congregations, schools, chaplaincies, clergy and lay people; followers of Jesus who live out day by day the diocesan vision to pray, grow and serve the people of Devon with joy. 

“This vision grabbed me from the start and has been my personal priority throughout – I have found great joy in the people of God here, and in my own ministry. And the greatest joy of seeing God at work in people’s lives and communities.

“I will miss everyone here deeply. I am incredibly thankful for God’s calling and faithfulness and for all who have been, in any way, a part of this journey.”

Bishop Jackie’s retirement will come three months after the enthronement of the new Bishop of Exeter, the Rt Rev Mike Harrison, at Exeter Cathedral on November 2.

Bishop Mike said: “I am already aware how Bishop Jackie is held in great affection across the Diocese of Exeter so it's no doubt with a mixture of deep appreciation and sadness that the news of her impending retirement will be greeted.

“I am personally very grateful for Bishop Jackie's role as Acting Diocesan Bishop and her helping me to prepare for my future role, and I will be sorry not to have her as an episcopal colleague for much longer. She and David leave with much love and prayer accompanying them as they move into a new phase of life and ministry."

Bishop Jackie was among the first women to be ordained as priests in the Church of England in 1994. This year she celebrated the 30th anniversary of her ordination.

Her ministry has been hugely varied, with seasons as a curate in London, in theological education in Bristol, as Vicar of Littleover, Derby, as Dean of Women’s Ministry for Derby Diocese, on the Church of England General Synod, as Archdeacon of Gloucester and Residentiary Canon of Gloucester Cathedral, before being made Bishop of Crediton in 2018. 

She set up the Devon Church Weddings project to encourage more couples to consider having a church wedding, she was also integral to setting-up the Diocese of Exeter Wellbeing Panel, championing the wellbeing of clergy and their families.

During her tenure as Devon’s second-only female bishop, the number of parish-based clergy who are women has risen above the national average for the first time, to 37.7 per cent.

Nationally, as a member of the College of Bishops and as a participant observer in the House of Bishops, she has been involved with the “Living in Love and Faith” process regarding prayers of blessing for same sex relationships and chairs the Episcopal Wellbeing Group. 

She and her husband, the Rev David Runcorn, were married soon after her ordination as a deacon in 1992, and they have two children.

She said of her decision to retire: “Ministry in the Church of England has been extremely varied, fulfilling, joyful, challenging and more than I could have ever imagined.

“It is time now for a different rhythm of life with David and our family, recognising that everything has a time and a season. We look forward to seeing where and how God leads us.”

There will be a farewell service for Bishop Jackie at Exeter Cathedral in January.