Aveton Gifford

Rosie Warrillow | 07779290653 or email [email protected]m

Well, it's car show day on Sunday, just a quick heads up about increased traffic in the village while the cars are gathering on the village green and of course visiting vehicles that will be parking on the Rectory gardens. There will be stewards available to help with parking and also with taking gate receipts. If anyone can help with any of the organisations on the day please contact the organisers at [email protected]. The Hive pre-school will have a Grand Raffle to raise funds for themselves, any raffle prizes would be welcome either take on the day or contact Mandy Tucker for details.  At this time of harvest, our local shop now has lots of lines of produce, chutney, jams, marmalade and pasta,  and the Chilli farm also supplies them with a range of jams etc. Anything the shop doesn't stock Kathleen will try to obtain it, so please support our local shop!! The shop has a Post Office counter and still is a drop-off point for parcels. St Andrews enjoyed a visit from Rev Simon Franklin, always a welcome guest speaker here. Simon gave a most inspiring talk, speaking about the Psalms and their influence, great talk and very interesting. This week's service will be led by Rev Ollie Long, the new curator for our church team. The service will include the Kids Church with youth and families worker Sarah. All are welcome to attend the service, which will start at the usual time of 11am.             

Stoke Fleming

Lucy Willetts | 01803 770389 / 07815 143743 Stoke Fleming’s 146th Horticultural and Sports Society’s Annual Show takes place this Bank Holiday Monday, August 26, from 12.30pm in the Playing Field and Village Hall. Parking is free, and admission costs just £3 per adult and £1 for children aged 5 – 16. (There is no charge for children under 5 years of age).

Schedules are available for 50p from the Village Shop, Library, Gardentime, or by phoning Shirley on 01803 770468. There are 157 different classes this year, including Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, Photography, Cookery, Handicrafts, Flower Arranging and special classes for Children. Entry into the children’s classes is free, and all other classes cost just 25p.

Entries close at 8pm this Friday and need to be staged by 10am on Monday ready for judging, with prize money to be won as well as a huge array of trophies. In addition to the competitions, there will be a licenced bar, BBQ, refreshments and numerous stalls to browse. The James Harris Jazz Band will be playing, Les Ellis will be doing some balloon modelling, Clive Pig the Storyteller will be performing, and Torbay Owls, Thorn Alpacas and Ash Cross Ponies will all be there.

The Show will officially open at 2pm when the Marquee and Hall will be available for viewing of all the exhibits. There is also a full programme of traditional sports for the children which will run during the afternoon from 2.30pm. The afternoon will finish at approximately 5.15pm with the prize giving ceremony.

As always, help is needed in lots of different ways before, during and after the event to enable the Show to run smoothly. Anyone wishing to donate paperbacks for the book stall can do so after 10.30am on Sunday, and those wishing to donate cakes to cope with the expected demand can do so after 9am on Monday. Plant donations and any extra produce will be gratefully accepted after 10am on Monday. Lastly, ‘lifters and shifters’ – the unsung heroes who the committee can’t manage without – are always needed, so if you have an hour or so to spare on Sunday morning, or Monday morning and/or afternoon, please just turn up or phone Gary on 07885 348435.

As many of you will be aware, parking is limited, so please park considerately and as directed by the signs and stewards. Card payments are accepted for entry and refreshments, but cash would be helpful for the book and plant stalls, plus games. All other stallholders will be able to accept card or cash.

The Committee look forward to seeing everyone on the day, and would like to thank all the sponsors, helpers and entrants, as well as the Green Dragon who will be running the bar and Stoke Lodge who will be providing the barbeque.

Cornwood and Lutton Kit Manning | [email protected] The August bank holiday weekend is almost upon us so, here in Cornwood, that means another Cornfest event in the Cornwood Inn car park on Saturday.The fun will start at 2pm and will include live music from Black Jack Liquorice, Sam Corby, Audioshift and Olly Whitfield; there will be stalls, face painting and Morris dancing; DJ Feelgoods will put in an appearance and those wishing to eat as well as drink will be amply catered for with a BBQ and a Noodle Bar.Tickets can be bought in advance at the early bird price of £10/ adult, £5 /child (£12 and £6 respectively on the door); the event is in aid of St. Luke's Hospice and so it is hoped that this afternoon/evening of family fun will be well supported. On Bank holiday Monday ( 26th) the third Cornwood Stomp will take place.  Those wishing to take part should meet at the Cornwood Inn at 11am - suitably suited and booted for whatever the prevailing weather conditions turn out to be!  This will be a led walk up onto the Moors - if the weather is kind; the last Stomp had to be rerouted because of stormy conditions! Our WI had a Summer social evening this month and It was noticeable that there were fewer cars in the carpark than is usual for the monthly meetings; on reflection, that's probably explained by the fact that, since the main activity for the evening was a wine-tasting, quite prudently, a lot of car-sharing went on! The wine tasting was organised in-house by members of the committee who had also provided some delicious, savoury snacks which complemented the wines beautifully. Each member was given six wines to taste (plus two non-alcoholic) and then had to guess the country of origin and to match them to their varieties.  It was a most enjoyable evening; there was much swirling and sniffing and discussion but, thankfully, no spitting out of wine... Some felt the need to have a second taste of their favourites before they felt they could commit to a decision!  After the tasting experience there was a Wine Quiz; perhaps it should have been done before the tasting as no one did very well, however, the four with the highest scores won individual bottles of wine - well what else?   There is a more serious side to our WI ladies too; they have been long time supporters of Plymouth Women's Refuge and last month they chose to spend the proceeds from the monthly raffle on household cleaning items for some of the ladies from there who are being set up in safe houses. Two members scoured the shelves of Tesco and came away with a trolley load of goods which they delivered to the Refuge and which were much appreciated.