Aveton Gifford Rosie Warrillow 

07779290653 or email [email protected]

How wonderful to have some summer weather at last!! With the lovely weather comes A.G's biggest event of the year, the Church and School summer fete! The event will have all the usual stalls, garden goods, pony rides for the children, a pet's corner and of course, lots of yummy things to eat like ice cream and a barbeque too. There will also be a Grand Draw which, will take place near the end of the day. The date is Saturday, July 13th at 2pm, there is always a need for lots of help, including the Friday night before the fete to put up the tents and stalls etc. Any help on the day for teas etc. Please contact any church members for more details, help is very much appreciated but becoming more difficult to obtain. After the fete on Sunday, July 14th, there will be a fete service on the village green at 11 am under the big marquee, always a popular event, everyone is welcome to attend, even dogs!! This Sunday St Andrews will have a ley-led Sunday worship service starting at the usual time of 11am. All are welcome to attend and there will be refreshments after the service. Notice of a Live Music Event at the Fishermans Rest on Saturday, July 13th, come and listen to the music and perhaps have a drink, no details of what sort of music but it sounds like a fun evening. knit and Natter takes place on a Wednesday afternoon at 2.30pm at the Fishermans too and not forgetting the quiz night, the next one being on Thursday, July 18th, at 8pm. For further details please contact the pub on 550284. The Village Shop meeting last week had a positive result and I believe that some good discussions were had on the future organisation of the running of the AGVSA. The Association are responsible for the care of the building and having a good working relationship with the shopkeeper. From September 10th this year the W. I will meet on a Tuesday afternoon, still in the village hall on the second Tuesday of each month, from 2.30pm-4.30pm, sadly I won't be able to go or report on this as I'm at work, good luck ladies.


News from Blackawton Beacon| [email protected]

Community composting project

Still awaiting planning consent, we have yet to decide on the management model for receiving garden “waste” and allowing collection of finished compost. This is to be discussed in the next Sustainable Blackawton meeting in September. There are several options, maybe a membership scheme, maybe a donation for delivering “waste” and collecting finished compost, if you have ideas on this matter, please do contact me [email protected] or come to the September meeting. Some volunteers have offered their services, and the more folk we have the fewer times annually anyone will be required! This is likely to be a fun, useful and sociable group that delivers soil improvement, and potentially so much more!

Water quality of our rivers

 South Devon River Champions, with support from many other organisations, have applied for grant funding to the Water Restoration Fund, hoping to improve our local waterways to status “Excellent” rather than “Poor” (currently achieved!). We all wish them a successful outcome on 24th July.

Community energy

Attendance at the community energy forum hosted by National Grid and REGEN in Exeter in June confirmed that Sustainable Blackawton are right to consider all potential forms of community energy. There are places in the village where more solar is appropriate and this could be community funded and owned with benefits to local residents. Has anyone thought, or talked, about community-owned wind power in Blackawton? Your thoughts and views about on-shore wind are sought, please do give this topic your consideration. There are many benefits available for the whole community where power and income is generated, and owned, locally. Anyone that has applied for grants will know that applications can be lengthy, extremely complex and are often denied after much time and effort has gone into the submission. Funding available within the community from projects such as renewable electricity generation are usually much simpler to access.

Every five years or so a gang of tree vandals passes through this area during May and June. They use a twopronged implement to remove the bark from broadleaf trees up to twenty years old in strips about 20 x150 mm, leaving these on the ground. Sometimes the damage is patchy, but often it systematically strips all bark from the tree trunk - which, of course, kills it. In my 12-acre plantation, which I have cared for since 2011 so they are ten to twenty feet high, I have on each occasion had about 100 trees destroyed. You are welcome to come to Clyston to see it.So when you plant those trees to help counteract climate change, and care for them for twenty years, allyour efforts are wasted. So why bother? The vandals, which also transmit ticks infected with Lyme disease (see NHS), and destroy birds’ nests, can be known as CLGS (Cuddly Little Grey Squirrels) Modbury

News from Modbury Messenger | modburymessengercic.co.uk

Modbury Parish Council is pleased to announce that we have appointed a new P3 Coordinator to lead a team of volunteers to help maintain the public paths and rights of way throughout the parish. Since the retirement of Brian Weeks as our previous Coordinator, we have concentrated on carrying out the annual survey of parish paths and applying to have improvements undertaken by Devon County Council at certain locations. We have also sought a new team of volunteers and have had expressions of interest from three local residents – Adam Slater, Alastair Proctor and John Burt. An initial meeting led to the appointment of Adam Slater as our new Coordinator and he, Councillor Barbara Price and Councillor Phil Smith met with Jon Boyd, the new Public Rights of Way Officer at the County, on 7 May 2024. After a short training programme, Adam and the team will start work on drawing up a maintenance plan and will be looking to expand membership. So, if you have an interest in the countryside, are reasonably physically fit and wish to make a much-valued contribution to the community please offer your services to Adam at [email protected], Alastair at [email protected]) or John at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can register your interest via the Parish Clerk, Sally Smale at [email protected].