IVYBRIDGE residents took the opportunity to voice their concerns at the town's first councillor-led surgery.

The town council launched its new face-to-face meetings at The Watermark.

Around 10 residents visited the centre to speak to the councillors regarding both concerns and highlights from the town.

Ivybridge Town Council agreed to launch the surgeries last month to combat the already approved reduction of full town council meetings.

The first surgery was hosted by councillors Steve Fourte, Tom Bowden and Anne Laity.

Cllr Fourte said: 'Being a relatively new councillor I was a little apprehensive before the surgery, not knowing how it would go or what items would be raised. But it turned out to be a great experience which I really enjoyed. 

'It was great meeting residents of Ivybridge in a less formal situation and being able to hear their views.  

'We need to make sure that we are as accessible as possible to residents, and this is another way where we can do this.

'I was very pleased that there was a good mixture of subjects raised by residents from things that could be improved to things that are already going well and are appreciated by residents. As we build up a picture of common themes that are particularly important to residents, then we can see if there are ways that the town council can work with other organisations in the local area to make Ivybridge an even better place to live.'

The surgeries will take place at The Watermark on the first and third Saturday of each month from 10.30am to 11.30am.

The next councillor surgery will be held tomorrow.

A suggestions box is currently in The Watermark which can be accessed throughout the week and will be opened by councillors.