Salcombe RNLI volunteers returning from morning exercise on Saturday (February 18) were met on the quayside by five amazing young people, Isabella 7, Amelia 7, Constance 10, William 5 and a half, and Beatrice 5.

The five along with their families were in Salcombe for the school Half Term holidays, staying in a cottage looking directly at the Salcombe ALB Lifeboat at its mooring.

Together they decided that during their holiday they would like to raise monies in support of Salcombe RNLI.

A plan was hatched to sell shells from their cottage gate, a plan that saw them raise more than £64.

The Coxswain and Crew would like to say a big thank you for their amazing effort.

To fin out about fundraising you can call 01548 842158,

e-mail: [email protected] or follow on Twitter: @RNLISalcombe

or Facebook: SalcombeRNLI