Victoria Park Play Area in Ivybridge is now open.

The old play equipment which was no longer fit for purpose has been replaced with new and additional pieces of play equipment.

Following a public consultation, tender process and planning application the installation has finally been completed.

The new equipment is in MacAndrews Field .

An official opening in Victoria Park was conducted today by Cllr Alan Spencer, Town Mayor and the Parks Operations team, Julie Gilbert, Louise Firth and Rick Green.

The new equipment includes a tree house themed multi-activity unit – for toddlers and under 5s, a tree house themed multi-activity unit – for 5+yrs (up to 11yrs), a swing set with flat swing, cradle swing, a sensory (sound) feature hanging xylophone, a mars Rover vehicle for two children, two items of accessible play equipment– nest swing and spinning carousel.

There is also replacement safety surfacing, fencing and gate and new path and three perching benches.

The existing metal picnic tables outside of the play area have been refurbished.

An overhead ladder – outside of the play area - has been installed for all ages.

`A spokesperson says: “We were keen to retain the little wooden train and the wooden picnic table, and the parks team have done a great job in refurbishing these items.

“Thanks also go to KOMPAN, SNC SouthWest, Dartforest Ltd. and Devon Halo for their expert help and advice whilst undertaking this project.

The Town Council is absolutely delighted with the new play area and look forward to it being enjoyed by the local community.