Jasmine Barker (16) from Ivybridge has recently taken on a a personal challenge to run 100 kilometres as a way to both honour the memory of friends she lost to mental health and struggles and to raise awareness of the mental health issues affecting young people.

Despite the rigours of studying for her GCSE exams she completed the challenge in May.

Jasmine said: “Mental health is often invisible and will go unnoticed unless we talk. “Young people need to know that there are people out there to talk to so that they don’t feel isolated or alone.

“I have chosen to support Young Devon, an organisation that is dedicated to supporting the mental health of youth in our community.

“Through counselling and support they provide a lifeline to those in crisis.

“My goal was to raise as much money as possible to help young Devon expand their reach and ensure that no young person has to suffer in silence and know that there are people to talk to.”

Jasmine had a target of £1,000 but at the time or writing had raised £1,424 with almost 100 supporters.

Young Devon’s website says: “Building quality relationships to help young people thrive is our guiding principle; the principle at the centre of every service we offer, that sits behind everything that we do. It is why our Skills, Accommodation, Wellbeing and Voice teams can help over 2000 young people every year.”

If you would like to make a contribution you can visit Jasmine’s GoFundMe page at: https://tinyurl.com/bdhkdph6