More than 300 children enjoyed the free bouncy fun sessions held at Totnes Pavilions during the February half-term.

The sessions were co-ordinated by Caring Town and run by Fusion as part of the TQ9: Together We Care initiative aimed at supporting local people through the cost-of-living crisis.

Community grant funding from Totnes Town Council and the Paige Adams Trust made it possible to stage the pay-what-you-can sessions that give families somewhere warm to spend their days during the holidays, with the bonus of lots of fun and free snacks.

Aydin Boyacigiller, Caring Town project manager, said: “Caring Town, Totnes Town Council and 25 other organisations came together to co-ordinate and offer the TQ9: Together We Care programme: positive community activities in warm spaces (with a warm welcome).

“Over the Christmas holiday, over 275 children attended the Bouncy Fun sessions at the Leisure Centre. As it was on a pay-what-you-can basis and funded through a community grant from the Town Council, it was truly inclusive.

“The feedback was great with many saying they wanted more. In response to this, a further five sessions ran over the February half-term with over 300 children energetically enjoying the bouncy castle and soft play. This is a great example of a community response to the cost-of-living crisis and a fun and innovative activity in a warm space.

“Thanks to Kevin and his team at the Leisure Centre for helping to make this happen.”

Totnes Mayor, Cllr Emily Price, said: “There are so many pressures on families right now – from keeping everyone fed and warm to keeping everyone happy - and it’s a problem that’s exacerbated during the school holidays.

“Bouncy Fun has helped to take some of the pressure off by providing something really fun to keep the kids entertained.

“Being able to spend the day here means families have not had to keep the heating on all day and with some tasty snacks on hand, it’s no wonder it’s been so well received.

“I’m proud that the Town Council was able to help fund this school holiday lifeline and I extend my thanks to Caring Town, Fusion and every group in the TQ9: Together We Care partnership for making sure we’re helping those who need it most – together we are demonstrating how our community can help look after each other and make a real difference to local people’s lives.”

Kevin Teague, general manager at Totnes Leisure Centre said: “Putting a little fun out there for people to use at this tough time is important.”

For more information on upcoming free, pay-what-you-can and subsidised activities for people of all ages in the TQ9: Together We Care visit Totnes Town Council’s calendar at or phone 01803 862147.