March 1891. Looking down Fore Street, Salcombe, from above Robinsons Row, during clearance of snow after the Great Blizzard. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

1937 Trants, millers, Coronation carnival float with girls on back.
Taken in front of Victoria Place, Promenade, Kingsbridge. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

1937 Kingsbridge - 7 men and horse in fancy dress for Coronation carnival. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

Coach and four, other horse drawn vehicles in a carnival procession, Quay, Kingsbridge. A float with a huge champagne bottle. Possibly Jubilee celebrations of 1897. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)

New Bridge, Bowcombe Creek, Kingsbridge, leading to Dartmouth. Shows bridge when it had four solid spans and one (eastern span) metal swing section. (Kingsbridge Cookworthy Museum)