AN application has been submitted by Persimmon Homes for 77 houses on the western side of Ivybridge, in the face of opposition from locals.

After a consultation organised by the housebuilding giant in June last year, Woodland residents rapidly organised themselves to oppose the development.

The consultation event, which was held at the Watermark, described plans for 65 homes on land north of Wood­land Road.

Objectors cited problems with virtually every aspect of the proposal, including the development’s impact on current flooding problems, roads, and school places, and said the site had not been allocated for development.

However, the site was considered for development as part of South Hams Council’s land availability assessment exercise last year, and found to have only limited constraints to development.

The council des­cribed the site as having ‘potential to create an extension for the residential area to the west of Ivybridge’, and said it could accommodate approximately 60 dwellings.

It added that development of the site would have a visual impact due to the site sloping upwards, and a drainage assessment would be required.

Although the site is not allocated for development, the National Planning Policy Frame­work of 2012 means that developers are very likely to win permission for housing, as long as their plans are ‘sustainable’.

This is particularly the case when local planning authorities cannot meet the re­quirement to demonstrate they have five years’ supply of available housing land – as South Hams Council can not.

To view and comment on the plans, visit and search for the application number 27/1859/15/F.