Sue Aston, Angel Tree ­coordinator, South Hams Prison Fellowship, of Stentiford Hill, Kingsbridge, writes:

I want to thank all the local people who contributed Christmas presents and gifts of money to a Christian organisation called Angel Tree in the past few weeks. This is linked to the Prison Fellowship, which is a Christian organisation run by volunteer groups around the country that allows prisoners the opportunity to have a Christmas gift sent to their child on their behalf.

A local Prison Fellowship group that meets in the South Hams has been involved in Angel Tree for three to four years, and this year we were able to send gifts to 57 children who have a parent in a local prison.

Angel Tree helps to keep families together by reminding the children of prisoners that their absent parent is thinking of them and providing a ­tangible example that their ­parents love and care for them.

It also helps the parent at home who is caring for the ­children and who may be in reduced financial circumstances because their partner is in prison.

Thanks go particularly to a local businessman who contributed to the cost of postage of gifts, and the local post office at Churchstow, which helped in the sending off of this large number of parcels.

Past feedback both from ­prisoners and family members have shown that these gifts are appreciated and well received.