Drum Devon, a local enterprise which provides accessible drum and percussion workshops, ran a workshop at The Fleet Care Home in Dartmouth on the morning of Monday, October 2 from 10am to 12pm.

The workshop was run by James Carr, who has more than 20 years’ experience as a drummer and percussionist and 18 years teaching in both the UK and abroad.

A spokesperson for The Fleet Care Home said: “What a fabulous morning as we welcomed James from Drum Devon. He came all the way from Torquay on this wet day to entertain our ladies and gents. It was lovely to see staff and family members join in with this rather lively and upbeat activity. 

“People were tapping out all kinds of rhythms and beats. James was so knowledgeable and gave us some great information and facts about the drums. 

“James taught us some beats as a group and then we all played a game where we were encouraged to free style. We created some incredible music in the end. Hopefully we will be welcoming James back in the new year.”

James Carr said: “We had such a fantastic time at the Fleet Care home on Monday morning. It was wonderful to see the residents playing drums and percussion and singing together. Together, we created such a vibrant atmosphere with lots of smiley, happy faces. It was a real testament as to how drumming can bring so much joy no matter where you are in life. The Fleet Care Home Bistro was booming!”

Kimberly Heales, activities manager at The Fleet, added: “People who were reluctant gave it a go ended up loving it. (After the workshop) there was such a buzz around the dining room table at lunchtime as people were talking about it too, saying how they’d love me to book James in again.”

Drum Devon is a local enterprise which aims to provide high quality, authentic and accessible drum and percussion workshops. It puts these classes on in a variety of settings including community groups, schools, events and parties, as well as therapeutic settings, which they hope will benefit those taking part mentally and socially.