The Climate Hub is sited in the Mansion on Fore Street in Totnes and is one of the many projects of Transition Town Totnes.

It is a place for conversation, ideas and action, connecting groups and individuals to address the climate, ecological and social crises.

Volunteer Sue Johnson explained more about it: “It’s promoting local groups in Totnes and we welcome the public here.

‘Anyone who shows an interest comes in and we try to engage them in conversation about the climate emergency.

‘We talk about things that are happening in this country, globally and this hub is all interlinked.

“It’s about fossil fuels, how we grow food, transport and local projects like the green energy project in Totnes.

It’s not just aimed at adults as Sue outlined:

“There’s lots for children, a lending library so we let people have a look around and answer any questions they may have.”

The hub is open between Wednesday and Saturday between 11am and 3pm with Fridays and Saturdays tending to be the busier of the days.

Sue continued: “I was here on a Friday and we had a big group of around 15 Japanese students in from Schumacker College and they come from far and wide.

“This family with us now are from Argentina and Like is engaging them and showing them around.

The Mansion itself was once a school and hosts many different community groups and classes as well as offices.

If you would like to find out more visit: or e-mail [email protected]