RESIDENTS are being asked for their views on the possibility of extending a huge mine to exploit what is believed to be the world's third largest deposit of the rare and valuable metal tungsten.

Devon County Council has launched a public consultation this week on the proposed extension of Drakelands Mine, between Spark­well and Hemerdon.

The consultation is part of the council's work towards its new Devon Minerals Plan, covering the period up to 2031.

The extension of the mine would see the south west edge move about 120 metres out, generating an extra 17 million tonnes of waste, but enabling the supply of the important metal for an extra two years.

Wolf Minerals, the company which operates the mine, asked the council to consider the extension when it found there was a larger deposit of tungsten at the site than originally thought.

Cllr Jerry Brook, chairman of the council's planning committee, said: 'Devon County Council recognises that the merits of the proposal need to be balanced against any adverse impacts.

'We are keen to hear the views of local residents and organisations on the principle of the extension.

'In particular, people are invited to raise any particular grounds of concern they may have over the anticipated impacts of an extension, to allow us to consider ways in which these can be addressed.'

For more on this story, see this week's Ivybridge & South Brent Gazette