The next meeting of the West Dart History Group features Gail Ham the chairman of the Dartmouth History Research Group who will be talking about the evacuation of several South Hams villages in 1943-44 to allow American troops to train and prepare for the D Day landings.

The main reason for the evacuation was the similarity of Slapton Sands to Utah Beach on the Normandy Coast where the Americans were landing.

Thirty thousand acres was requisitioned and farmers and other villagers were given only six weeks to leave.

Many never returned and the evacuation had a lasting impact on this part of South Devon.

7pm in Ashprington Village Hall on Wednesday September 18.

The following meeting will be on Wednesday November 6 when the topic will be the Prayer Book Rebellion of 1549 and the Siege of Exeter.

Visit for details of the talks and a collection of photographs, documents and other research.